Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Disadvantages of technology Integration

Issues and problems with art Instruction
Funding for technology integration is hard to come by let alone technology for the arts. “Teachers and administrators must increasingly find ways to stretch funds available for arts education.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 365) Simple things such as ink and paper consume a large part of the budget. With the ease of access to such a large number of images through the Internet, teachers must protect their students from inappropriate images.  However, “ many great works of art would likely to be filtered out unless the filter is carefully constructed.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 365) Some great artists or arts use nude images in their painting. With these limitations, students may not have access to a large number of famous paintings and teachers will be forced to depend on books in the library or CD’s or DVD’s from museums. As a teacher, I would rather my students have the ability to use the technology that we have in the classroom rather then limit them to a few books and CDs. The To simplify the physical and cognitive demands of interacting with computers”  (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 408) students with disabilities will need s alternative keyboard.  This keyboard would require funds that the art department just can not afford. 

Advantages of technology Integration

Technology Integration Strategies for Art Instruction
The advantages of having technology in the classroom are vast. The hardware that is available to teachers can enhance what they are teaching.  If I wanted to teach the class about an artiest using technology in the classroom, I can go to the Internet pull up the artiest and their information along with images of their work.  I would then could create a PowerPoint presentation on my IPad and display it on the interactive board.  Flowing that presentation the students will be asked to add their research information to my wiki space to further the discussion on the artwork. With technology integration, my students will be prepared for the future. Art students will have access to so many software tools that can be used create works of art or contribute to a piece that they scanned and view digitally. Schools sometimes have their art students create marketing pieces.  “Because students gain valuable experience through creating and producing these publications, the activities can be considered a kind of internship to prepare for actual jobs as graphic artists for newspapers or other companies.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 368) The most basic thing like hearing can be improved with technology integration. “ Research suggests that sound amplification technology may benefit all students, not just those with diagnosed hearing impairments, by focusing attention.”  (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 409)

Tech-Pack NEEDs and Challenges In Art

There are many challenges that art teachers face but ”when teachers using the Tech-Pack perspective think about the existing technologies that can communicate the fundamental concepts and how his or her students can learn the concepts in a way that would not be possible without technology.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 370) The students and teachers will be “aware of the ever-changing digital media production landscape.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 371)  With technology teachers and students will be able to meet the National Standards of Arts Education. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wikispaces Reflections

Wikispace Reflection

My Wikispace

The Wikispaces assignment was my favorite assignment to-date. I love the creative freedom you have with Wikispaces. I believe that wikispaces opens up the classroom to so many new possibilities.  This tool can be used buy students, teachers, and parents.  It is very versatile and can make working in and out of the class room seamless.

I received two reviews on my Wikispace. 

Hi! loved your wiki. the menu bar on the side made it easy to use. Lots of useful pictures. In fact the only thing I didn't like about this wiki was the color scheme otherwise it's great!

I appreciate the feedback, however I felt that the color scheme worked with the images so I am choosing not to alter the color scheme of my Wiki.

Your wiki is great! I really liked your widgets that you used. Great pictures as well. The only thing I would critique would be a little more clear on the directions of responding for the shared review. How long does the response have to be? If you go ahead and put the directions out then it will reduce the number of questions students might potentially have. Great job though!

I felt that this was defiantly a valid point.  So I added a note to the Degas Shared Review Page saying:  Students please share information about your Degas research that you found interesting. Read all post prior to writing yours and do not repeat information that is already posted. This was a great project.  I will definitely use a Wikispace with my class.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Module Five 

The Interactive Class Room

The interactive classroom such as flipcharts fits the criteria of the 21st Century Skills and ICT.  The flipchart can be identified as a readymade portfolio software package. Roblyer and Doering (2012) It “provides a structure to which teachers can add content.”(Page 22)  Under the 21st century framework, flipchart meets all three categories of standards.  It offers life skills through the student using critical thinking skills, problem solving and being self –directed while gaining information media and technology skills. The flipchart gives teachers a tool to address their class needs at that moment.  Students can work at their pace and develop at their own speed.

Roblyer and Doering (2012) “As recent research shows, the case for using technology in teaching is one that must be made not just isolating variables that make a difference, but to combine them.” Page 25  Flipchart can correct two problems that limit learning.  Flipchart helps in gain the students attention.  The interactive qualities help hold students attention and supports effective skills practices. Roblyer and Doering (2012) “ Software such as the drill and practice type offers the privacy, self pacing and immediate feedback that makes practice most effective.” Page 25 Flipchart will allow students to privately see their progress as it pushes them to the next level. 

Constructive vs. Objectivist

The use of interactive classroom components and flipcharts more closely aligns with the Constructivist Learning Theories.  John Dewey believes  Roblyer and Doering (2012) “Growth is fostered through hands on activities connected to real-world issues and problems.” (Page 42) Flipcharts allows students to have a hands on activity that is already familiar.  Flipcharts can be identified as scaffolding in Lev Vygotsky’s Scaffolding Theory.  He believes that  Roblyer and Doering (2012) “Adults support learning through scaffolding, or helping children build on what they know.” (Page 42) Reviewing class information through flipcharts will present the information in a new way while building on and supporting what students have previously learned in class. Flipcharts stimulates a more visual and experiential way of learning. 


I chose the Winter Birch Tree Painting FlipChart.  This is a guide on how to paint Birch trees. Photos and students artwork are used to demonstrate and provide information and instructions on the techniques.  Albert Bandura believes that  Roblyer and Doering (2012) “Students learn through actions they take and through observing others.” (page 42) Students in my class will be able to identify things that they liked and dislike about other students paintings. They can alter their work to make it what they want and like. The Winter Birch Tree Painting FlipChart uses visual literacy.  Roblyer and Doering (2012) Students “uses visual thinking to conceptualize solutions to problems.” (Page 26)  Teaching the class without images is not as effective as flipchart.  The use of the images along instructional information helps the student visually understand what they will be doing. I believe that the Winter Birch Tree Painting FlipChart will be a very effective tool in my classroom.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


2 Widgets 

All Things Considered

This widget has a collection of artwork that is discussed in detail. The artwork is explained along with the historical background surrounding the art. Roblyer and Doering (2013) discus visual learning and problems and solutions, “Possible activities include individual and cooperative research projects, as well as problem based learning projects.” (Page 245) I feel that this widget would allow me to do both of these things in my classroom. I would use this widget in my classroom in a group setting to discuss specific works of art. I would also allow my students to use this individually in doing research. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain “Locating and using information from Internet sources has become a key part of the classroom learning.” (Page 245

 Antiquities and Ancient Art

This widget discusses ancient art and antiques. It is a little more casual and has fewer facts then All Things Considered. I would however I would use this in a group setting in the classroom, if I felt that the topic fit what we were studying. I would also place this on my Wiki space for students to view and discuss specific topics in class. This would fallow the parallel problem solving web base lesson project listed on page 241 of Roblyer and Doering. I think the students would find this widget entertaining and enjoyable.

CHRHS Advanced Art Portfolio
Teacher MS Carolyn Brown

I feel that this is an excellent example of a Wiki space that I would create for my classroom. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain, “Sites can introduce the goals and purposes of existing projects and invite people to participate.” (Page 245) This Wiki space displays current and upcoming projects. Homework is also explained in detail and this would be very helpful for students and parents. I really like that she give samples of the art that the students are working on so that the students can visually see what they are working towards. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain “A website can serve to deliver actual instruction and information on a topic or project. (page 245) This wiki definitely delivers instruction and information and is done in a very clear and precise way.

Web-Based Lesson

National Geographic Data Center

This website is a great source of information for teachers and students.  I would specifically use this website for the historical art work.  This site contains a number of amazing works of art with detailed information about each piece.  I would at times, utilize the lesson plans that go along with the artwork. I will also use this site in a group setting to introduce the artwork.  The site would also work as a research tool for the students. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain the benefit of web based information “Using this data, students are able to answer questions and solve problems posed by their teachers, their peers and themselves.”(page 241) 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Module 3


URL’s can give you information about the web page.  The last three letters in the URL will tell us what type of website it is. According to Roblyer and Doering (2013) ”The most common designations are: .com Commercial site, .Gov Government, .net Network, internet service providers, .edu Higher education institutions, and .org non-commercial organizations.” (page 216). The optional subdomain will tell you what part of a large organization you are visiting. 

Search Engines

Search engines can help my students find better information buy bringing a large number of websites to one place.  Students looking for images of a swimming dolphin can type the key words in to Google and they will find 6,390,000 results in one place. 

Internet Tool

I believe that e-portfolio would be a great addition to my classroom.
Roblyer and Doering  (2013) explain “e-Portfolios are websites created by students to showcase their work and organize, revise, and store digital assets they have created inside and outside the class room.”(page 224) This website would allow my students to store and explain the artwork they create throughout the year. Students could showcase their portfolio to perspective universities or employees on this site.

Web-Based Lesson

Electronic Publishing

I would use Thinkquest to allow students to access their art history projects and document their art history research. Students will document their artwork in multiple stages.  Allowing them to self evaluates their work and identify positive and negative changes. Roblyer and Doering (2013) feel that, “Many sites provide access to data, images that help students understand complex problems and guide them in creating their own solution.”  (page 245)

Favorite Website

My favorite website is The Louvre Museum Official Website.  Roblyer and Doering  (2013) explain, “Good visually design pages are designed for good readability and aesthetics. “ (page 225) This website delivers on both. It looks beautiful and is easy to navigate.  Roblyer and Doering  (2013) also believe “It should be very clear how a user can find the content they are looking for on the website.” (page 225)  This webpage is very clearly designed.  At the top and just below the main image that there are tabs. This site would benefit my class while studying art history.  There are images of artwork as well as informative videos of artwork that explain the art and its history.

This website is one of my favorites because of its ease of use.  You can see your student’s grades at a glance. On page 254 of Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Roblyer and Doering explain the importance of easy navigation.  This web site has very clear tabs on the left hand side.  To make it even easier, they created an app for RenWeb.  Bradsaw (2011) says, “Many universities; K-12 schools and institutions are selecting the ipad and ipod touch as the platform of choice for face-to-face and distance education classrooms.” (Page 229) Parents literally will have all class information at there fingertips.