Saturday, October 12, 2013


2 Widgets 

All Things Considered

This widget has a collection of artwork that is discussed in detail. The artwork is explained along with the historical background surrounding the art. Roblyer and Doering (2013) discus visual learning and problems and solutions, “Possible activities include individual and cooperative research projects, as well as problem based learning projects.” (Page 245) I feel that this widget would allow me to do both of these things in my classroom. I would use this widget in my classroom in a group setting to discuss specific works of art. I would also allow my students to use this individually in doing research. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain “Locating and using information from Internet sources has become a key part of the classroom learning.” (Page 245

 Antiquities and Ancient Art

This widget discusses ancient art and antiques. It is a little more casual and has fewer facts then All Things Considered. I would however I would use this in a group setting in the classroom, if I felt that the topic fit what we were studying. I would also place this on my Wiki space for students to view and discuss specific topics in class. This would fallow the parallel problem solving web base lesson project listed on page 241 of Roblyer and Doering. I think the students would find this widget entertaining and enjoyable.

CHRHS Advanced Art Portfolio
Teacher MS Carolyn Brown

I feel that this is an excellent example of a Wiki space that I would create for my classroom. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain, “Sites can introduce the goals and purposes of existing projects and invite people to participate.” (Page 245) This Wiki space displays current and upcoming projects. Homework is also explained in detail and this would be very helpful for students and parents. I really like that she give samples of the art that the students are working on so that the students can visually see what they are working towards. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain “A website can serve to deliver actual instruction and information on a topic or project. (page 245) This wiki definitely delivers instruction and information and is done in a very clear and precise way.

Web-Based Lesson

National Geographic Data Center

This website is a great source of information for teachers and students.  I would specifically use this website for the historical art work.  This site contains a number of amazing works of art with detailed information about each piece.  I would at times, utilize the lesson plans that go along with the artwork. I will also use this site in a group setting to introduce the artwork.  The site would also work as a research tool for the students. Roblyer and Doering (2013) explain the benefit of web based information “Using this data, students are able to answer questions and solve problems posed by their teachers, their peers and themselves.”(page 241) 


  1. As a person who is not really familiar with much art, the widget you create that gives some information would be great for a person who is just visiting the page. Using the web based information to not only get art information but also lesson plans for a one stop shop.

  2. Maureen,
    I really appreciate your perspective on the web-based source you selected: utilizing the site as a starting ground to introduce the art to the students. As Doering and Roblyer discuss in Ch. 8, once the students locate and classify the information found online they should then be requires to compile meaning and be able to organize the information (238).

  3. Maureen,
    I really enjoyed reading about the National Geographic Center. I think web based tools like this website are very important in the classroom. Like are book says I think web based lessons have a great ability to enhance learning (Roblyer, 2013, p. 238). This website will be a great tool for your classroom.

  4. I agree with you Maureen and I like the wiki that you chose because it displays projects that students can visually see and work towards. Roblyer and Doering (2013) state that "wikis contain the ongoing work of many authors" (p. 268). When I went to the web site, I was immediately drawn to the ongoing projects in the galleries produced by the students.

  5. Maureen, your first widget is really cool. For students to be able to learn something by briefly looking at it and reading a small exert is ideal! The National Geographic Center web-based tool is great too. Our book explains how great it is that big time names like National Geographic and Verizon are becoming involved with these web-based projects (Robyler & Doering, 2013, p.257). It's furthering education to our students.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You chose good widgets to use with your class. I picked a similar one that I would also use when I felt that the piece went along with the material being discussed. I think having one of these could lead students to further research other types of art that may not be discussed during class time. It would be great to create a widget with pieces of art that go along with what you are teaching.
    The wiki also seems like it would be a great resource for your classroom. I really enjoy the different galleries on the page. Electronic publishing is becoming an increasingly popular way to share student work (Roblyer & Doering 2013).
