Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Disadvantages of technology Integration

Issues and problems with art Instruction
Funding for technology integration is hard to come by let alone technology for the arts. “Teachers and administrators must increasingly find ways to stretch funds available for arts education.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 365) Simple things such as ink and paper consume a large part of the budget. With the ease of access to such a large number of images through the Internet, teachers must protect their students from inappropriate images.  However, “ many great works of art would likely to be filtered out unless the filter is carefully constructed.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 365) Some great artists or arts use nude images in their painting. With these limitations, students may not have access to a large number of famous paintings and teachers will be forced to depend on books in the library or CD’s or DVD’s from museums. As a teacher, I would rather my students have the ability to use the technology that we have in the classroom rather then limit them to a few books and CDs. The To simplify the physical and cognitive demands of interacting with computers”  (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 408) students with disabilities will need s alternative keyboard.  This keyboard would require funds that the art department just can not afford. 

Advantages of technology Integration

Technology Integration Strategies for Art Instruction
The advantages of having technology in the classroom are vast. The hardware that is available to teachers can enhance what they are teaching.  If I wanted to teach the class about an artiest using technology in the classroom, I can go to the Internet pull up the artiest and their information along with images of their work.  I would then could create a PowerPoint presentation on my IPad and display it on the interactive board.  Flowing that presentation the students will be asked to add their research information to my wiki space to further the discussion on the artwork. With technology integration, my students will be prepared for the future. Art students will have access to so many software tools that can be used create works of art or contribute to a piece that they scanned and view digitally. Schools sometimes have their art students create marketing pieces.  “Because students gain valuable experience through creating and producing these publications, the activities can be considered a kind of internship to prepare for actual jobs as graphic artists for newspapers or other companies.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 368) The most basic thing like hearing can be improved with technology integration. “ Research suggests that sound amplification technology may benefit all students, not just those with diagnosed hearing impairments, by focusing attention.”  (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 409)

Tech-Pack NEEDs and Challenges In Art

There are many challenges that art teachers face but ”when teachers using the Tech-Pack perspective think about the existing technologies that can communicate the fundamental concepts and how his or her students can learn the concepts in a way that would not be possible without technology.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 370) The students and teachers will be “aware of the ever-changing digital media production landscape.” (Roblyer and Doering 2013, page 371)  With technology teachers and students will be able to meet the National Standards of Arts Education. 


  1. Maureen I really enjoyed your videos on the top ten reasons to use technology in the classroom. I think technology plays a huge role in keeping students engaged and also relating the material to their lives (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 319).

  2. I really enjoyed the "Technology in the Art Room" video. You did a great job in finding the restraints and benefits of integrating technology and art. I like that the video talks about not being able to reach kinesthetic learners with this tool. While on the other hand, it shows how the use of technology can still "help students learn color theory, design theory, and photography techniques" (Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 367).

  3. I think you can't go without having technology inside the classroom. With art, you can express yourself in many ways. With pictures, you can create more with being able to use photoshop inside the classroom. "Art educators can choose from among a number of software opitions to let students explore graphics." (Doering & Robyler 2013)

  4. The interest in new media is growing and changing the field of art. I think it is important to keep up with these changes and to help students have access to learning new ways to create. “The use of technology within art and music education has the potential to transform the learners’ experiences” (Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 371). Some of the funding issues could possibly be remedied by a BYOD policy.

  5. This statement is very well put " I would rather my students have the ability to use the technology that we have in the classroom rather then limit them to a few books and CDs." I totally agree and I know its such a major issue when it comes to funding, particular subjects, and income demographics. Student must embrace technology and most students are already completely incorporated into a digital world even in lower income areas. If students are deprived of technology then they will fail to see how integrated topics are used in the "real world" (Robyler & Doering, 2013, p.171.
