Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spore By Electronic Art Inc.

Sample  software with instructional game functions

This Software uses games to show students how creatures evolve threw five stages.  It allows the student to use their imagination in creating creatures and the worlds they live in.  As art students this game will give them an opportunity to experience computer game designing.  This would be an excellent too to use in a group setting to demonstrate how the slightest change in size and color creates a much different character.


Simulation Software

This Software gives students the ability to experiment and gain knowledge about the anatomy of animals. An art student would greatly gain from learning the anatomy of the animals that they intend to draw.  I would use this tool in a group setting prior to the students starting a section on drawing animals and nature.  Knowing the bone structure and anatomy would help the students understand the movement and shape of the animals. I would also have this tool available to the students to review when they need to.

Memory Challenge By The Critical Thinking  Co.

Problem solving

This program uses exercises to improve visual memory skills.  Visual memory is extremely impotent in the field of art. When a student is drawing a live figure this skill is required.  I would have the students use this tool in between art projects to challenge the students visual memory and improve aproned those skills.

Software support tool

Graphic tool

This Software is an excellent option in teaching Graphic design to art students.  It is also a great tool to show students how to retouch photos that they have taken or that they may be using for a project.  This software would be great in a group setting.  It also would be great for students to explore on their own to gain the experience of using the different tool functions.

Software support tool

Research and Reference Tool

This Software is an excellent source for research.  This tool could be use continually in the classroom.  I would use it at the beginning of each section when introducing a new artist.  The students could gain further information about this artist by using Wikipedia to do there research them selves.  This research tool is great do to the fact that there is so much quality information in one place


  1. If using motivates students, I say go for it! Roblyer and Doering state, "students will become more active, spontaneous problem solvers if they experience success in their initial problem-solving efforts." I find that to be true and I also see the students being more confident in their art projects as a result of this software.

  2. The software you listed is a great idea, not only for just one classroom but in multiple classes. Using the simulation software is an excellent idea for something as dry as anatomy. Not only would it be helpful for their art work but useful in a biology class. However I do not find that wikipedia is a good research tool. Use for general information but not for school work purposes.

  3. your examples are neat I think that they would be good to help make learning fun and interesting for students. I agree with Sarah about Wikipedia. It can be a good tool for an overview or a review, but it isn't a good tool for extensive research of subjects.

  4. The software listed are great resources. They enhance Roblyer and Doering concept of "software tools improving productivity by enhancing the talent and skills of students." The biolab software was very appealing as an aspiring general science teacher. Its was my first real experience with a presentation software dealing specifically with biolab. I my my undergrad degree was in Health Sciences. These types of software eliminate so much of the tedious work in lab that sometimes interferes with the learning the overall lab material.
